Public Health Services
The Directorate is responsible for Leading the coordination and planning process of communicable disease such as TB, HIV, Malaria. It also leads the Emergency Preparedness Section, the EPI/PHC Section; the Environmental Health and Safety Section and Non-communicable Sections.
Functions of the Department
Some of the functions of the department are:
- Advising DG and Minister in general on all aspects of Public Health Services
- Supervising the sections of the department
- Development, coordination and implementation of malaria control programs
- Development, coordination and implementation of TB control programs
- Development, coordination and implementation of hygiene and sanitation (WASH/WATSAN) programs
- Development, coordination and implementation of STI / HIV programs
- Development, coordination and implementation of communicable disease surveillance programs
- Management of non-communicable diseases programs
- Development, coordination and implementation food and drug quality control programs
- Development, coordination and implementation school health programs
- Development, coordination and implementation mental health programs
- Supervision and management of laboratory services
- Supervision of services and quality control in hospitals and health centers
- Control standards and licensing for private health sector / institutions
- Prepare yearly work plan for the department
Development of vaccination guidelines, s