The Minister of Health Development Dr. Huseen Bashir Hirsi,.the Director General of the Ministry of Health Development Dr. Ahmed Mohamud Jama and a large delegation that has been monitoring the actual state of public health in the eastern regions of the country in Sanaag region, have visited El-Afweyn Hospital, Gar-Addag Hospital and the mother and baby center in Gawsa Wayne.

This inspection by the highest officials of the Ministry of Health Development in the health facilities of the Sanaag region, following previous inspections by the authorities in the different regions of the country, was aimed at seeing with their own eyes the state of general health in the Sanaag region, the challenges and needs in the health facilities.

in order to base the overall plan of the Ministry of Health Development on how to improve the health service and how the Somaliland community as a whole would have access to quality health services that are available at any time. available at any site.