Community Health Services Department
This is one of the six departments of the Ministry. The primary responsibility of the department is to lead the implementations of health services such as Nutrition, Maternal and Child health, GBV and FGM
This is one of the six departments of the Ministry. The primary responsibility of the department is to lead the implementations of health services such as Nutrition, Maternal and Child health, GBV and FGM
This is one the six departments of Ministry of Health Somaliland. The main function of the department is to coordinate and manage the hospital services, Supply chain and drug management.
Human Resource Department The human resources department is committed to improve and uplifting work culture, team integration, training and development, employee motivation, workforce empowerment, retention and data compliance Functions of the Department The functions of
Finance and Administration The Finance and Admin Directorate is to manage the Ministry’s budgets, financial and procurement activities, and fixed assets in a sound and responsible way in support of the Ministry’s overall mission to
Public Health Services The Directorate is responsible for Leading the coordination and planning process of communicable disease such as TB, HIV, Malaria. It also leads the Emergency Preparedness Section, the EPI/PHC Section; the Environmental Health
Road Number 1., next hargeisa hospital (0.19 mi) Hargeisa, Somalia