The Director General of the Ministry of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr. Ahmed Mohamud Jama, has today launched a research project on mental health disorders, which is a collaboration of the Ministry of Health Development, its Department...
The Minister of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr. Hussain Bashir Hirsi, together with the director of the department of health and hospital services of the Ministry, the health coordinator of the Marodijeh region and the advisor of...
The director general of the Ministry of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr. Ahmed Mohamud Jama, was handeover medical supplies including laboratory and medicines from the WHO. The ceremony of handing over these materials was attended by, among...
The Director General of the Ministry of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr. Ahmed Mohamud Jama, today officially concluded the annual meeting to review vaccination activities in the regions and districts of the country and plan for the...
Road Number 1., next hargeisa hospital (0.19 mi) Hargeisa, Somalia