Supportive Training Conducted for Regional Vaccinators

The Ministry of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, especially the vaccination department, today concluded a four-day training session for health officials in Borama, Burco and Hargeysa districts.

During this training, officials comprised of 20 officials from the three districts and the vaccination department of the Ministry of Health Development benefited from the training.

In order to promote this service, these officials were also taught how to conduct effective inspections to support the vaccinations. At the end of the training, the officials who gave the training and members of the Save the Children Organization, which supported the Ministry in the implementation of the training, mentioned that during the training, many useful things were learned by the vaccination officials.

Officially closed the training, the manager of the vaccination department of the National Level Ahmed Abdi Jama, urged he officials who took the training to apply the knowledge they learned in their jobs and the centers they came from.

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