Comm unity Health Services Department
The Community Health Services Department is responsible in managing childhood illness treatment, and their Vaccination campaigns in collaboration with the other MOHD units and the Promotion and supervising standards of young child nutrition. In addition to that, it also responsible in Promoting school health programmes and health education in connection with Ministry of Education
Some of othet functions of the Department of Community Health Services will be as follows:
• Quality child feeding in collaboration with nutrition section
• Child spacing and family planning program implementation and services
• Comprehensive emergency obstetric care (before, during and after birth)
• Reach out and strengthen decentralised and community health structures
• Ensure provision of quality services on child birth / emergency obstetric and neonatal care in all HCs.
• Capacity-building of all professionals on safe motherhood services
• Manage and monitor reproductive health care services
• Develop preventive and clinical interventions in obstetrics and gynaecology
• Assist in developing policies and strategies: setting Maternal and Child Health Nutrition (MCHN) policies for mother and child care, policies for (Global Strategy for) Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) strategy and TB inpatients and outpatients and HIV patients in consultation with Policy Planning unit
• Monitoring, supervision and reporting on Nutrition status for GoSL
• Collaborate regularly with maternal, reproductive and neonatal health section and child health section
• Food monitoring and screening of food production/service facilities in GoSL in cooperation with other government institutions
• Promotion of appropriate foods and minimum standards for diets
• Screening and referral for therapeutic care for severely malnourished
• Support mechanisms for supplementary food for moderately malnourished
• Assessments and surveys on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Anti-Retrovirus Therapy (ART) treatment protocols
• HIV/AIDS awareness-raising on universal precaution and prevention, counselling on HIV and AIDS and voluntary testing
• Support prevention mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and ART services, policies and strategies against HIV and periodic assessment and surveys on HIV prevalence rates
• Assessment of adolescent health needs and articulation of the provisions of youth-friendly counselling services
• Health interventions of major concerns on reproductive health services at health facilities and mainly as part and parcel of school health services
• SBGV prevalence rate surveys
• Extensive public awareness -raising on the abandonment all forms of FGM and SGBV
• Supporting rape cases on providing HIV and contraceptives for prevention of HIV STI and pregnancy.
• Support the implementation of the SGVB/FGM abandonment policies and strategies
• Coordinate activities with the Ministry of Women’s Development and Family Affairs
• Manage nomadic and IDP mobile ambulances
• Manage mobile clinics and out-patient services
• Extend community services to nomads and IDPs
• Manage and conduct immunization programmes for nomads and IDPs in camps
• Coordinate medical outreach to IDPs in camps with UNHCR