The Director General of the Ministry of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland, Dr. Ahmed Mohamud Jama, today officially concluded the annual meeting to review vaccination activities in the regions and districts of the country and plan for the year 2025.

This meeting was organized by the public health department of the Ministry of Health Development; At the same time they cooperated, international agencies, such as Save the children, UNICEF, WHO, SRC, ALLIGHT, were attended by officials from the headquarters of the Ministry, the coordinators of the regions of the country, the vaccination authorities of the regions and members of the agencies working with the Ministry.

The Director General of the Ministry of Health Development, who officially concluded the meeting, thanked the officials who participated in the meeting, for their efforts in the development of vaccination services at the national level, urging them to continue to improve their activities, and do their best to improve the vaccination services throughout the country.