Medical Services and Health Facilities
Department of Medical Services and Health FacilitiesThe Department of Medical Services and Health Facilities has pivotal role in the provision of quality Health care service delivery at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, Ensure provision and availability of medical supplies and equipment, Ensure the quality of laboratory services at National, and regional levels particularly emphasis on infectious diseases in SomalilandFunctions of the Department
The functions of the department of Medical Services and Health Facilities will be as follows:
• Supervision and licensing of medical facilities, distribution of drugs based on needs, quality control, registrations of pharmacies, wholesalers, retailers and clinics, support lab based researches
• Inspection of private and government pharmacies, the wholesalers and herbal medicine producers • Control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances • Support lab based researches
• Supervise/ monitor drug storage / medical store unit
• Drug procurement and supplies
• Data base of medical facilities and Health Centres in GoSL • Support the work of a future drug authority/agency responsible for selecting the public hospital formula
• Formulate and enforce standards for licensing • Protection of patients and handling of patients complaints
• Determination of minimum standards for laboratories (Equipment, staff qualification) and blood banks
• Organization of regular quality control activities, inter-laboratory testing comparison etc.) • Accreditation of laboratories for defined tests and withdrawal of accreditation
• Fundraising for establishment / upgrade of laboratories • Management, supervision and monitoring of blood bank/s • Supervise/ monitor health infrastructure development
• Develop and maintain database as well as comprehensive inventory for health • equipment • Set country standards and procedures for biomedical engineering and health technology management
• Monitor quality standards for procurement, calibration, management and maintenance of donated or purchased health care technology in cooperation with Quality Management Unit
• Operate a team of engineers and health technology inspectors for country-wide and specific assessments • Develop guidelines and standards, policies and plans for hospitals
• Licensing and withdrawal of licenses of private hospitals • Support hospital and clinical committees and boards • Technical support to hospitals • Ensure providing universal coverage of national prenatal guideline rate of at least free visits by all pregnant women to health centers
• Develop and implement maternal, neonatal and child mortality reduction policy • Establish well-functioning health care system to improve the essential basic obstetric care services at primary health care level facilities
• Ensure proper management of normal and complicated pregnancies, labour, child birth and postnatal services with skilled birth attendances both institutional and community levels
• Provide access to EmONC services to women and newborns • Management and provision of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, (PMTCT) services, anaemia of pregnant women and handling abortions, provide diagnosis and treatment services through under five out-patient department (OPD) and above five OPD establishment
• Provide micro nutrient supplementation and treatment of anaemia from pregnant and lactating women and distribution of nutrition food to pregnant, lactating of mother and children in maternal and child health clinics (MCHs)
• Procurement, storage and distribution of essential, lifesaving drugs and technologies (reproductive health committees) to mothers and newborns
• Establishment of population catchment areas for service delivery at primary health facilities and provision of Community based outreach of reproductive, maternal and newborn in obstetrics and paediatrics
• Monitor provision of immunization services in vaccine preventable diseases to mother and child • Clinical documentation of maternal death audit , maternal mortality review and surveillance and response
• Establish a set of standards and accreditation framework for the private sector (hospitals, pharmacies etc.) as well as best institutional options for regulatory enforcement;
• Design and maintain health care procedures to be contracted to private health care institutions in order to ensure a full range of health service production (delivery) function in GoSL
• Regulate and monitor contracts of partnership • Coordinate framework agreements with Legal Affairs Unit • Overall resource planning of the private health sector as part of the overall country health strategy
• Coordinate activities with policy planning department in regular inspection and monitoring of private sector and regulatory enforcement of standards and quality of services