Minister of health development lay the stone foundation for a hospital that will be built in Dilla District in Awdal Region This hospital which was funded by Amoud Foundation will provide health service to community living in and around Dilla....
Minister of health development lay the stone foundation for a hospital that will be built in Dilla District in Awdal Region This hospital which was funded by Amoud Foundation will provide health service to community living in and around Dilla....
The Minister of Health Development continues vaccinating the communities living in Maroodijeeh as a part of national wide vaccination campaign against the deadly COVID 19. However, during the past week, the MOHD which was targeting secondary and higher education institution...
The Vice Minister of Health Development, Hon Liban Yusuf Gahnug received a medical equipment handed over to him by the Taiwan Ambassador for Somaliland. The vice minister who went to the Taiwan Embassy in Somaliland to receive the equipment, had...
On Thursday, Ministry of Health Development commemorated the International Pneumonia Day at Maansoor Hotel in Hargeisa. This beautifully-organized event which was jointly sponsored by MOHD and SAVE THE CHILDREN was well-attended the officials from the Ministry led by the Director...
MOHD concluded a meeting aimed at reviewing UNICEF-funded nutrition and health program. This 2-day meeting was attended by MOHD employees as well as the officials from UNICEF. And During the meeting, it has been critically looked at what has been...
Road Number 1., next hargeisa hospital (0.19 mi) Hargeisa, Somalia