Speaking the press in his office, the Minister of Health Development Hon. Hassan Ali Gaafaadhi briefed the status of COVID 19 in Somaliland. He stated that a deadly anda fast surging third wave of COVID19 has hit hard on Somaliland. As such, the minister announced that the prevention guidelines such as washing hands regularly, safe distancing and wearing masks will be resumed.
The minister urged the public to take the vaccine. “The vaccine is freely available.”, says the minister. “According to experts, many of those who died from COVID 19 are those who did not take the vaccine.”, the minister remarks.
In addition to that, The minister also urged the other government institutions to follow the MOHD guidelines.
However, the minister spoke the press after a meeting he along with the new vice minister and director general had with the departmental directors of the Ministry of Health Development ever since he was nominated for the ministry.