The Office of HIV Control of the Ministry of Health Development and UNICEF concluded a 4-day training course that was given to the health workers of the Regional ART Treatment Centres. Part of the training was how to properly manage...
The Office of HIV Control of the Ministry of Health Development and UNICEF concluded a 4-day training course that was given to the health workers of the Regional ART Treatment Centres. Part of the training was how to properly manage...
The HMIS Offices of the Ministry of Health Development and UNICEF Conduct a 4-day workshop on managing and storing HIV/AIDS patient data for the health workers of maternal and Child Care Centers. The Ministry of Health Development and UNICEF collaborated...
HMIS Office of the Ministry of Health Development concluded it's Quarterly HMIS Feedback Meeting Workshop. The meeting were attended by the central HMIS officers, Regional HMIS Officers, and HMIS officers from the Public Hospitals. This periodic meeting is looked up...
Ministry of Health Development has launched the National 12th round of COVID19 Vaccination that will be carried out during 11st - 24th March across Somaliland.
The Director General of the Ministry of Health Development Dr. Mohamed Abdi Hergeye has welcomed today a delegation from ICDF, Taiwanese International Development Agency. Taiwan supports several health related projects to MOHD.
Road Number 1., next hargeisa hospital (0.19 mi) Hargeisa, Somalia