The Minister of Health Development accompanied by the Director General of the ministry who had been recently on a work mission in the eastern regions of the county has reached Bura on Tuesday, the capital city of Togdheer Region.
The minister and the DG have met the government authorities of the region as well as the health officials of the ministry. The Minister was welcomed by the Togdheer governor and Burao Mayor. The Burao Health officials for the MOHD, then, gave a briefing of the health status of the region to the Minister.
The DG of MOHD, who also spoke with the media stated that the objective of the visit was a monitoring work mission aimed at overseeing the ministery’s health interventions in Somaliland regions.
The minister who also spoke with the media stated that visit was a fact-finding mission aimed at knowing the status of health in the region. Apart from that, the minister requested from all stakeholders of the Somaliland health sector to play their role well in order to reach an effective self-funding and self-reliant health sector.
Finally, the minister and the DG monitored Burao General Hospital and cut the ribbon of a new sections added to the laboratory of the hospital.