While leaving no stone unturned to improve the status of nation’s mental health, the Ministry of Health Development organized the National Mental Health Board Meeting on Wednesday.
This regular important meeting was attended by the Minister of Health Development, Minister of Finance Development, the Minister of Religious Affairs and endowment and the Director General of the Ministry of Health Development and the big Qat dealers who collaborate with the ministry on the mental health efforts.
The objective of this meeting was that the national mental health board discuss the issues and challenges faced by mental health patients and further plan ways to improve their conditions.
Firstly, the Director of Mental Health Department of MOHD, Dr. Yacqub briefed the board the status of mental health efforts of the ministry during the last three months and the challenges faced i that period.
After that, the ministers of health development, finance and religious affair delivered their words at the meeting who praised the efforts of mental health by health care providers and made their leadership commitments on prioritizing it.
Last but not least, the big Qat traders pledged their support MOHD is leading regarding the efforts in addressing mental health issues.