The Minister of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland. Dr. Hussain Bashir Hirsi received in his office today, the Ambassador of Taiwan Mr. Allen Luu and other officials of the embassy.

This meeting was accompanied by the Minister, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health Development, Mrs. Samsam Mohamed Salah, the Director General of the Ministry of Health Development, Dr. Mohamed Abdi Xergeeye, the Director of the Department of Planning and Policy Development, the Director of the Department of General Health and Advisors and other officials.

During this meeting, there was a wide discussion on the health program that the Republic of Somaliland and Taiwan work together to speed up.

Finally; The Minister of Health Development welcomed and thanked the Ambassador of Taiwan and other officials: he noted that there is a need to work together to develop the health programs that the Republic of Somaliland and seeked Taiwan to continue supporting.