The Minister of Health Development of the Republic of Somaliland. Dr. Hussain Bashir Hirsi and a delegation led by him who had been in the Eastern Regions for the last with the aim of observing the health activities in the country have reached the Togdheer region, the capital city of Burco.

The Minister who was accompanied by the Director General of the Ministry of Health Development, Dr. Mohammed Abdi Xergeye, some of the Directors of the Ministry’s departments and the Minister’s advisors had firstly visited the general hospital in Burco.

The minister and his delegation visited the different parts of the general hospital in Burco one by one, to see with their own eyes, the work that is going on in the hospital and its needs.

They also held information sessions with some of the people who sought medical services at the hospital.

After that, the Minister continued to inspect the health service in Togdheer Region and visited the mental hospital in Burco (Maandhaye), the Alkhalifa hospital and the mother and child center in Burco.

Special meetings were held with the various authorities of the facilities they visited and the staff working in them, and listened to reports on the health services they provide to the community and any obstacles. who need to be supported in order to improve their services to their community.