Training for HIV/AIDS Health Workers Concluded

The Head of HIV/AIDS Care and Trearment of the Ministry of Health Development Mr. Sayid Hassan had launched a training for the health workers in HIV/AIDS care centers across the country.

The objective of the training was to improve the knowhow and the service delivery of the health workers who work in those HIV/AIDS care and treatment centers. Specifically, how to take care and treat people living with the disease.

Madaxa Mashruuca daawenta iyo daryeelka xanuunka HIV/ AIDS EE wasarada horumarinta cafimadka dr Sayid Hassan ayaa tababaro u furay shaqalaha ka hawl gala xaruumaha dawenta iyo daryeelka xanuunka hiv AIDS ee gobalada somalilandTABABARADAN oo kamida kuwa ugu.muhimsan ee kor loogu qadayo aqoonta iyo tayada adeeg bixiyasha ka hawl gala xaruumaha cafimaadka ee goboloda.Tababaradan o kala ah 1 daryeelka iyo daweenta bukaha xanuunka hiv aids la nool2 baadhista iyo ka war haynta xaladaha dadka xanuunka HIV AIDS la nool.

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